Shares Certificate: Material donated by Mr. Vivek Matthai, son of Prof. Ravi J. Matthai.
The IIMA library has an outstanding collection of books and reports on the business history of India. A catalogue of all corporate annual reports stored at the IIMA Library is available on this link.
Directories: All Joint Stock Companies of India (1921-22), All India Swadeshi Directory (1933), Investor's India Yearbook (1927, 1934, 1943, 1952), Bombay Investor's Yearbook (1940), Calcutta Stock Exchange Yearbook (1938, 1947, 1955), Times of India Bombay Directory of 1940 (4 Vols.)
Indian Management Journal, 1961-62 issues; Later issues available at the IIMA Library.
Oral history of Chitra Publicity, Ahmedabad [One of the first outdoor advertisers of India].
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